Kata Kunci:
Medical Record, Dentist, Analysis and DesignAbstrak
Problems that occur in managing patient data on Drg. NoorSolikhah clinic such as the redundancy of
data, patient data search too long, difficulty in seeing the previous patient data history, and the difficulty
in determine of action to the patient. The purpose of this research include analyzing and studying the
problems of the system in the patient's medical record Drg. Noor Solikhah and produce a prototype
information system that serves as a solution for the problems of the patient's medical record system. In
this research the tools use case diagrams, activity diagrams, and class diagrams. As for the design of a
prototype system using adobe dreamweaver tools, MySQL and HTML programming language. In this
study produced a prototype system of medical record information to manage data such as patient data,
drug data, the data medical treatment and medical records of patients with the supplied interface system
that facilitates the inputting of data for users, and these data are stored into a database so that better data
storage as well as facilitate the search data. Recomendation in this research is the design of these systems
need to be developed so that it can really be applied to the Drg. Noor Solikhah Clinic, and further
research can be equipped with a security system data