Sistem Informasi Penilaian Kinerja Pegawai Berbasis Web Di Polda Jambi


  • Heny Apriyanti Universitas Dinamika Bangsa
  • Kondar Siahaan Universitas Dinamika Bangsa


Kata Kunci:

Information Systems, Employee Performance Assessment, Web, Prototype


Performance appraisal of employees or State Civil Apparatus at the Jambi Regional Police, is a periodic
assessment of the implementation of the work of a State Civil Apparatus. The data processing of the
recapitulation of the results of the performance assessment carried out by the Head of the Personnel
Division has used a computerized system, namely the Microsoft Office Excel program, which still has
weaknesses because it has not been stored in the database, sometimes the results of the performance
assessment do not match the reality. The placement of documents is not well organized, so when there is
an inspection from the authorities it is difficult to find it. Based on the existing problems, the authors
propose the design of a Web-based Employee Performance Assessment Information System that can help
the leadership or head of the data processing department, carry out the performance appraisal process
properly so as to speed up time and minimize error rates when inputting data. The author performs objectoriented design using use case diagrams, activity diagrams, class diagrams, display designs, database
structure tables. The results of this study are a prototype of the Web-based Employee Performance
Assessment Information System at the Jambi Regional Police.


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Apriyanti, H., & Siahaan, K. (2023). Sistem Informasi Penilaian Kinerja Pegawai Berbasis Web Di Polda Jambi. Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi, 8(1), 94–104.

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