Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Pada (LPPM) Universitas Jambi


  • Fadli Iman Saputra stikom
  • Kondar Siahaan


Kata Kunci:

Information System, Research and Service, Lecturer


Research and Community service is an activity that includes efforts to improve the quality of human resources,
among others, in terms of expanding knowledge, knowledge and skill enhancement carried out by the academics
as a manifestation of dharma bakti and a form of caring to play an active role in enhancing prosperity and
empowering the wider community for the economic community weak. The purpose of this study is to improve
the function of information technology that is developing at this time, and also make it easier for agencies and
other parties who need data in processing and accessing data. Where in the process of data processing research
and Community Service at the Institute of Research and Community Service of the University of Jambi, still
using conventional methods and not maximal as in the processing of research data and community service
which still often occurs delays in collecting proposals and processing research data and dedication to society.
The system development method used to design applications, the author uses the Prototype Method, this method
is one method that is widely used in software development. This study produced a Management Information
System prototype design at the Institute of Research and Community Service of the University of Jambi which
could help the Jambi University Research and Community Service Institution in accelerating the management of
research data and community service in the form of research and service reports, assignments , research and
service contract letters, and a certificate of completion of research and service and others.


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Cara Mengutip

Saputra, F. I., & Siahaan, K. (2020). Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Penelitian Dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Pada (LPPM) Universitas Jambi. Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi, 5(2), 248–260.

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