Design of a Web-Based Library Information System at Smk-PP Negeri Jambi


  • Riyan Johari University of Dinamika Bangsa
  • Errissya Rasywir University of Dinamika Bangsa
  • Imam Rofi'i Universitas Dinamika Bangsa



Design, Information System, Library, Website, Agile


SMK-PP Negeri Jambi, located on the road Jambi-Muara Bulian KM.36, Jembatan Mas Village, Pemayung District, Batang Hari Regency, Jambi, still uses manual records using a library agenda book to manage library administration. However, there are several problems in the process, such as the slow process of borrowing and returning books which results in long queues, and the risk of losing transaction records. In addition, officers also often have difficulty in contacting students who return books late, making it difficult to provide information to members, because they have to search for data first. Therefore, this research aims to find a solution by designing a web-based library system using agile methods and the Unified Modeling Language. This system will be built using PHP programming language with LARAVEL framework and MySQL database. The result is a book catalog menu that allows students to see complete information about the library's book collection, place book orders to reduce queues, as well as contact features via Whatsapp to remind members who return books late and notification features on the system.


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How to Cite

Johari, R., Rasywir, E., & Rofi’i, I. (2024). Design of a Web-Based Library Information System at Smk-PP Negeri Jambi. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Dan Sistem Informasi (JMS), 4(2), 754–764.