Perbandingan Analisis Kepuasan Pengguna Jaringan Internet Telkomsel Menggunakan R Programming dan Menggunakan Cara Manual


  • Kelik Universitas PGRI Madiun



In modern times, most people are inseparable from the internet. Many telecommunications card providers provide internet facilities. One such provider is Telkomsel. Telkomsel is a fairly large provider in Indonesia and many users are not only in urban areas but also in remote areas of the country because Telkomsel's network coverage can reach almost all remote areas in Indonesia. However, at certain times there must be internet network problems that can affect the satisfaction of Telkomsel internet network users. Therefore, it is necessary to do an analysis related to user satisfaction. The author utilizes community comments on Twitter to conduct the analysis. Telkomsel internet network analysis is done in two ways, namely automatic analysis with R Programming and manually by polling respondents. The results of both analyzes show the dissatisfied category even though with different percentages, but both of them show the dissatisfied results for the most results. For the results of analysis with R Programming dissatisfied by 14.5% while the analysis manually by 61%. The analysis results used in the comparison are only the satisfied and unsatisfied categories and the author ignores the results from the neutral category, because neutral does not contain any emotions.

From the two analyzes conducted by the author, automated analysis with R Programming is more effective and efficient because starting from the beginning of the twitter crawling process to the results of the analysis and visualization can be done more quickly.

Keyword: Crawling, Internet Networks, Providers, R Programming.


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Kelik. (2020). Perbandingan Analisis Kepuasan Pengguna Jaringan Internet Telkomsel Menggunakan R Programming dan Menggunakan Cara Manual. Jurnal PROCESSOR, 15(1), 1–10.