Vol. 19 No. 2 (2024): Jurnal Processor
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dalam Menentukan Siswa Berprestasi Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting
Doi: 10.33998/processor.2024.19.2.1864 | Abstract views: 33 | PDF downloads: 17
Integration of Viola Jones Method and Labeling Algorithm for Human Object Detection Accuracy
Doi: 10.33998/processor.2024.19.2.1822 | Abstract views: 35 | PDF downloads: 15
Security Testing of Web-Based Application Back End Using Black Box Testing Method
Doi: 10.33998/processor.2024.19.2.1752 | Abstract views: 34 | PDF downloads: 33
Penerapan Algoritma Fuzzy Mamdani Pada Monitoring dan Sistem Kontrol Pemakaian Kipas Angin di Ruangan Berbasis Internet Of Things
Doi: 10.33998/processor.2024.19.2.1955 | Abstract views: 59 | PDF downloads: 37
Development of Ontology Knowledge Representation in Computer Science
Doi: 10.33998/processor.2024.19.2.1905 | Abstract views: 98 | PDF downloads: 38
IoT-Based Infusion Monitoring System with Real-Time Notifications via Telegram
Doi: 10.33998/processor.2024.19.2.1843 | Abstract views: 46 | PDF downloads: 23
Fuzzy Time Series Model Lee dalam Memprediksi Nilai Ekspor di Indonesia
Doi: 10.33998/processor.2024.19.2.1794 | Abstract views: 32 | PDF downloads: 17
Simple Additive Weighting Method to Determine the Number of TB Drug Stocks at Bagan Asahan Health Center
Doi: 10.33998/processor.2024.19.2.1961 | Abstract views: 34 | PDF downloads: 14
Klasifikasi Penyakit Monkeypox dengan Menggunakan Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor
Doi: 10.33998/processor.2024.19.2.1616 | Abstract views: 79 | PDF downloads: 59
Analisis Perbandingan QoS Live Streaming Facebook dan Instagram di Kawasan Pariwisata Night Market Labuan Bajo
Doi: 10.33998/processor.2024.19.2.1913 | Abstract views: 50 | PDF downloads: 20