Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Kolesterol pada Remaja dengan Metode Certainty Factor


  • Muhammad
  • Nur Teknik Informatika UNISLA
  • Nur Qomariyah


Kata Kunci:

certainty factor, MB MD, kolesterol.


Expert System is a system that can tie certain expert expertise into a computer. Expert systems are often used to diagnose diseases. Where the disease is diagnosed only one disease with several types of symptoms. The reason for creating an expert system to diagnose the disease is one of them helps the doctors who still do not have much work experience, and reduce the level of human error. In this study will create a system for diagnosing cholesterol disease with 3 types of diseases, and 8 symptoms. The purpose of this study is to make a web-based application for diagnosing cholesterol disease by using the calculation of the uncertainty value (certainty factor). There are 3 types of cholesterol disease diagnosed, namely LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and Disciplidemia. Each disease has symptoms and CF value. This system has symptoms 8, namely aches and aches in the head, easy drowsiness, aches to shoulders, easy fatigue, cholesterol levels below 90 Mg / dl, cholesterol levels above 120 Mg / dl, chest pain, leg cramps. Each symptom of the disease has a CF value. Where the CF value of each symptom against the disease uses MB MD value. And MB MD values ​​obtained from experts in internal medicine. The results of this study, the application can be used to diagnose cholesterol disease with the highest CF value.

Keywords: certainty factor, MB MD, cholesterol.


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Cara Mengutip

Muhammad, Nur, & Nur Qomariyah. (2020). Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Kolesterol pada Remaja dengan Metode Certainty Factor. Jurnal PROCESSOR, 15(1), 23–29.