V2V Communication in Smart Traffic Systems: Current status, challenges and future perspectives


  • Ketut Bayu Yogha Bintoro Universitas Trilogi
  • SDH Permana Universitas Trilogi
  • Ade Syahputra Universitas Trilogi
  • Yaddarabullah Universitas Trilogi
  • Budi Arifitama Universitas Trilogi




Implementing V2V communication in intelligent traffic systems has been a topic of growing interest due to its potential to improve road safety and traffic flow. However, the widespread adoption of V2V communication in intelligent traffic systems could be enhanced by various challenges, such as infrastructure cost, security, and interoperability. These challenges must be addressed to improve the potential benefits of V2V communication. The problem statement of this study is to examine the potential benefits and challenges of V2V communication in intelligent traffic systems and provide insights into the current state of the art in V2V communication research. The proposed approach is to conduct a literature review of recent research on V2V communication in intelligent traffic systems to identify the potential benefits and challenges of V2V communication and the current state of the art in V2V communication research. The study aims to contribute to the field by comprehensively understanding the implementation of V2V communication in intelligent traffic systems and informing potential future research in this area. V2V communication can improve road safety and traffic flow in intelligent traffic systems. However, more research is needed to address the challenges and develop advanced and cost-effective V2V communication systems.


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Yogha Bintoro, K. B., SDH Permana, Ade Syahputra, Yaddarabullah, & Budi Arifitama. (2024). V2V Communication in Smart Traffic Systems: Current status, challenges and future perspectives. Jurnal PROCESSOR, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.33998/processor.2024.19.1.1524