Sistem Informasi Layanan Klaim Asuransi Berbasis Web Pada Ajb Bumiputera 1912 Kantor Cabang Telanaipura Jambi


  • Ati Tyas Rahayu Universitas Dinamika Bangsa
  • Herry Mulyono Universitas Dinamika Bangsa


Kata Kunci:

Services, Insurance Claims, AJB Bumiputera 1912 KC Telanaipura Jambi


AJB Bumiputera 1912 Telanaipura Jambi Branch Office is an insurance company that provides services
to the community. In the current system, the claim submission service process is still done manually, that
is, submitting claims can only be processed if the agent and customer have a meeting and the customer
completes a claim submission form. This causes the length of the claim submission process and the
services provided do not run optimally. Based on the existing problems, a claim submission service
system is needed in order to assist AJB Bumiputera 1912 Telanaipura Jambi Branch Office in terms of
claim submission services. The purpose of this research is to design a prototype of the claim submission
service system using the system modeling tool, namely UML and the diagrams used include use case
diagrams, activity diagrams, and class diagrams. The results of this research are in the form of designing a
prototype claim submission service system that can be implemented by AJB Bumiputera 1912
Telanaipura Jambi Branch Office to help facilitate the management of information on life insurance
claims submissions.


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Tyas Rahayu, A., & Mulyono, H. (2023). Sistem Informasi Layanan Klaim Asuransi Berbasis Web Pada Ajb Bumiputera 1912 Kantor Cabang Telanaipura Jambi. Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi, 8(1), 22–35.