Sistem Informasi Administrasi Keuangan Siswa Pada Sekolah Dasar ABC Jambi
DOI: Kunci:
Information Systems, Design , Financial Administration, Prototyping, UMLAbstrak
The process of managing student financial administration at ABC Elementary School is currently still
manual, that is, it still uses books and is not well computerized. This resulted in problems, namely the
administrative process took a long time and all parties could not get financial information quickly and
accurately. This study aims to analyze and design a student financial administration information system
which is expected to make it easier for all parties in the administrative management process. The method
used in this research is prototype. Design tools using UML (Unified Modeling Language) and Adobe XD.
This system provides services in the form of a menu login, register, upload transactions, manage
transactions and print transactions. It is hoped that the design of this information system can be developed
so that it becomes an application that can be used and applied to ABC Elementary School and for further
research it can design an overall system that is integrated with other Information Systems that
summarizes all business processes in school.
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