Sistem Informasi Inventarisasi Barang pada PMI Kota Jambi


  • Novika Novika Universitas Dinamika Bangsa
  • Joni Devitra Universitas Dinamika Bangsa


Kata Kunci:

Analysis, inventory, Balsamiq Mockups 3.5.15


The inventory information system used by the Indonesian Red Cross in Jambi City still uses a manual
system, namely by using Microsoft Office Excel so that the search for inventory data is slow. Therefore,
this final project is carried out to make the analysis and design of a web-based goods inventory system that
is easy to use, so that it can facilitate access to the desired information and can make it easier to manage
data or files. The research of this final project is to design and analyze a web-based Goods Inventory
Information System at the Indonesian Red Cross in Jambi City. For this reason, this research will analyze
and design the information system using the Balsamiq Mockups 3.5.15 application. So that in the end the
results of the analysis and design of this information system will be used by programmers to implement it.


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Novika, N., & Devitra, J. (2024). Sistem Informasi Inventarisasi Barang pada PMI Kota Jambi. Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi, 9(1), 168–185.

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