Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian Dengan Standar ISO/IEC 9126 Pada Universitas Jambi


  • John Devin Junior Simatupang Universitas Dinamika Bangsa
  • Effiyaldi Effiyaldi Universitas Dinamika Bangsa



Kata Kunci:

Management Information System, Human Resources, UML, Prototype, Evaluation, ISO/IEC 9126, Quantitative Descriptive Analysis


In the current era of globalization, information technology or software is one of the important resources for
an institution or organization. Data processing in software as a strategic decision-making tool must be
supported by quality information systems and software. One of the information systems or software that
functions to assist management processes is the Human Resource Management Information System. The
quality of this system has a significant impact on the quality of the information generated. The data
collection method used a questionnaire and the data analysis used quantitative descriptive analysis. The
results of the data analysis show that the average value of Functionality is 3.97, Usability is 3.62, Reliability
is 4.11, Efficiency is 3.87, Maintainability is 3.63, and Portability is 3.79. In general, the software has
shown good performance or can be categorized as "Strong" in each analyzed characteristic.In the current era of globalization, information technology or software is one of the important resources for
an institution or organization. Data processing in software as a strategic decision-making tool must be
supported by quality information systems and software. One of the information systems or software that
functions to assist management processes is the Human Resource Management Information System. The
quality of this system has a significant impact on the quality of the information generated. The data
collection method used a questionnaire and the data analysis used quantitative descriptive analysis. The
results of the data analysis show that the average value of Functionality is 3.97, Usability is 3.62, Reliability
is 4.11, Efficiency is 3.87, Maintainability is 3.63, and Portability is 3.79. In general, the software has
shown good performance or can be categorized as "Strong" in each analyzed characteristic.


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Simatupang, J. D. J., & Effiyaldi, E. (2024). Evaluasi Sistem Informasi Kepegawaian Dengan Standar ISO/IEC 9126 Pada Universitas Jambi. Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi, 9(1), 51–65. https://doi.org/10.33998/jurnalmsi.2024.9.1.1687

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