Analisis Dan Rancang Bangun Sistem Layanan Proxy Server Pada SMK Unggul Sakti Jambi


  • Santoso Santoso stikom
  • Setiawan Assegaff

Kata Kunci:

internet, system services, proxy server, linux debian 6


More advanced information technology has an important role that can be used as tools in all fields it is supported by
the development of the internet is so rapid and increasingly competitive cost Internet access. But the problems that
occur when no in filters that can lead to healthy Internet abuse, which should be used to help find positive
information, can actually open access negative sites. The government can not fully block porn sites, hence the need
for filtering access to the internet which can be filtered or blocked by the proxy server facility. The goal of this
research is to build a system that utilizes a proxy server to secure access to information that avoid negative
information or that is not good for the school environment. Proxy server service system is one of the reliable
alternative in creating a healthy or positive internet access so as to raise the matter with the building services system
that uses a proxy server Debian 6 Linux Operating System and its use Squid proxy application.




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Cara Mengutip

Santoso, S., & Assegaff, S. (2017). Analisis Dan Rancang Bangun Sistem Layanan Proxy Server Pada SMK Unggul Sakti Jambi. Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi, 2(1), 260–277. Diambil dari

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