Analisa Dan Perancangan Website Tes Psikologi (Study Kasus Fakultas Kedokteran Dan Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Negeri Jambi)


  • Dodi Setiawan stikom
  • Rusdianto Roestam

Kata Kunci:

Analysis, Design, Psychological Test, Web-Based.


Unja ( Universitas Negeri Jambi ) is one of the universities that there dijambi which has a psychology
department is one of the educational institutions that have applied information technology both learning
materials in the field of information technology to the process of academic information systems. At
University has a department of psychology and for the acceptance of new students majoring in
psychology test conducted at this time there are still some shortcomings in terms of slow overall
assessment and obtain reports test results that take a lot of time. To overcome all these problems, the
researchers conducted an analysis system Psychological test are ongoing. The object of research focusing
on the system Psychological test that have been run and the scope and phases of the systems development
life cycle is the purpose of this study is limited to the analysis and design to the prototype. In designing
the system of psychological test online using web-based programming by using PHP and MySQL. The
purpose of this research is to study and analyze the existing problems in the system of psychological test
that are running test admissions psychology at University as well as designing web-based system of
psychological test new. Analysis and design of web-based system of psychological test developed will be
expected to overcome the existing problems to the admission process of psychological test can be
managed online.


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Setiawan, D., & Roestam, R. (2017). Analisa Dan Perancangan Website Tes Psikologi (Study Kasus Fakultas Kedokteran Dan Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Negeri Jambi). Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi, 2(1), 345–360. Diambil dari

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