Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Promosi Berbasis Web Pada CV. Golden Property


  • Roby Setiawan stikom
  • Rusdianto Roestam

Kata Kunci:

web, promotional mix, golden property


Promotion is activities in marketing to offer the product to customers or consumers prospect to
informing, reminding and persuading people to accept the products, concepts and ideas. Promotion has
two ways, there is electronic and non-electronic. At the CV. Golden Property companies,promotional
activitiesdoing by non-electronic with brochures and banners so the promotion information to customers
or consumers not prospectly. By designing a web-based information, users and managers expect can
simplify the information system as a solution to the problem doesn’t prospectly. The method used in the
designis promotional mix where a variables can be combined with the companies needs and abilities.
This web-based information would be better if next researcher insert value of financial transactions so
that will getting any benefit.


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Setiawan, R., & Roestam, R. (2017). Analisis Dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Promosi Berbasis Web Pada CV. Golden Property. Jurnal Manajemen Sistem Informasi, 2(4), 811–820. Diambil dari

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